The Broch of Gurness

Broch of Gurness, Evie, Orkney.

Tonight I attended an Orkney Tourist Guides Association talk about the Broch  of Gurness, researched and presented by archaeologist Kevin Kerr. What a fascinating story! Kevin has delved deeply into the archives of the 1930s excavation and discovered a lot about the people involved, how they were thinking at the time, and what they found. It […]

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Archaeology in Orkney: What should I see? Handy map and bucket list

Looking into Skara Brae house 1, Skaill, Orkney
Are you coming to Orkney? Are you keen to see archaeology? Orkney is fantastic for archaeology! It's difficult to choose what to see or where to go. Therefore, I have helped you out with this handy map (link at the bottom). I would be happy to guide you, or you can visit on your own. [...]Read more of Archaeology in Orkney: What should I see? Handy map and bucket list...