Guided tours of Orkney

Thinking of visiting Orkney? Why not try a guided tour with Ragnhild. As I am fitting tourist guiding around my main academic job, I am unable at the moment to take private bookings (except Norwegian visitors). However, you can book a space on one of my evening walking tours of Kirkwall, or a Viking Feast on the Beach. See Eventbrite for dates and further details.

For norske grupper: Vil du oppleve Orknøyene? Ragnhild blir gjerne med som din guide. Enten du kommer alene, med din kjære, som en familie, vennegjeng eller gruppe, er du hjertelig velkommen. Spesialiteter: Vandring i den fantastiske Orknøyske naturen, folketro og eventyr, den arkeologiske arven, vikingtid og den norrøne kulturen fra den tida Orknøyene var del av det norske riket, Orknøyenes litteratur, språk og kultur, pilgrimsvandring med Sankt Magnus. Ragnhild er den eneste fastboende guiden på Orknøyene med norsk som morsmål. Bli med på en skreddersydd omvisning eller meld deg på en tidsreise. Min tilgjengelighet avhenger av jobb og hvorvidt jeg er bortreist eller ikke, men ta gjerne kontakt for å se om vi kan avtale noe som passer både for dere og meg.


The Georgian Hoose

Self-Catering Accommodation

The Georgian Hoose is our self-catering holiday let on Kirkwall’s Victoria Street. It is open April – October and sleeps up to 4 guests.

The Georgian Hoose is a charming period town house with a rich history, dating to the early 1800s. The house is presented as a period home, with many original features still intact. It is situated in the historic town centre of Kirkwall and has a large private garden down the lane.


Artwork & Stone Sculpture

Combining a thorough knowledge of Orkney’s archaeology with a skilled hand and eye for aesthetics, Christopher’s Neolithic stone sculptures are wonderful to behold and touch. Carved stone balls, geometric patterns, smooth polished stone axes and mace heads, all sculpted from stone found locally in Orkney using stone age tools and techniques.


Timetravel – Viking
Feast on the Beach

Jump on the time machine and go back to the Viking Age, Middle Ages or the Victorian era!

Time travel  is a hands-on experience of the past, and fun for the whole family.

Our most popular time travel tours are the Viking Feast on the Beach and Viking Voyage to Hoy, where you visit Orkney’s Viking past, cook over open fire on the beach, and try your hand at Viking crafts and skills. Check our events calendar to find out when they run this summer.



We loved your tour in its educational and entertaining forms. Thank you for an incredible show. Your dress, your acting, your commitment to reproduce history was incredible. 

– Warren & Gail Dent

Delight in the past discovery blog

A saying goes that if you scratch Orkney’s surface, it bleeds archaeology. We like to go off the beaten track and discover the hidden traces of the near and distant past. We traipse through heather, trek up hills, balance along cliff edges, and sieve through sand to discover more. We photograph, think and write, but never take or destroy any of what we see. In this blog, you can share in these discoveries.

  • Winter sunshine and flint

    After high winds, snow and ice, today emerged in complete calm, with the winter sun glittering on the sea. I really love living here on the edge of th...

  • Winter fun in The Georgian Hoose

    Over winter, our self-catering holiday let The Georgian Hoose is closed. This gives us a much-needed chance to do maintenance and upgrades. However, i...

  • Broch of Gurness, Evie, Orkney.

    The Broch of Gurness

    Tonight I attended an Orkney Tourist Guides Association talk about the Broch  of Gurness, researched and presented by archaeologist Kevin Kerr. What...