Ness of Brodgar open day

It was a buzzing day at the Ness of Brodgar today. The second and last Open Day of the season, before the site closes down next week. Although the Ness is of course open for visitors every day during the excavation period, with tours (some of them given by our Chris), the Open Days are extra special, with lots of activities.

Chris was busy from start to finish at his stone tools stand. Here, visitors got to see and try out how people in the Neolithic would have made stone axes, maces, artwork and carved stone balls. Meanwhile, the last carved stone ball was sold from the site shop, so he’s now got to get round to making some more.

I (Raggie) and our two boys manned the chocolate table. We had brought boxes of the chocolate Decorated Stone and Grooved Ware, plus the new Chocolate Carved Stone Balls. These went down a treat – and so did the bowl of tasters. My favourite encounter of the day was a woman who read my information poster and just started laughing out loud! She was surprised, but delighted with the idea of making chocolate archaeology.

A busy day with lots of fun for Chris at his stone tools table. Ness of Brodgar Open Day, 20 August 2017.
A busy day with lots of fun for Chris at his stone tools table. Ness of Brodgar Open Day, 20 August 2017.
Ness of Brodgar Neolithic Chocolate. Ragnhild with a little helper.
Ness of Brodgar Neolithic Chocolate. Ragnhild with a little helper.
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